Greetings all. Above you will see beginning sketches for the legendary immortal "Noah" figure in the tale of Gilgamesh as I've interpreted him for this project: Utnapishtim. I interpreted him with a bit of age to his features - since he indicates he's "decaying" - but I didn't want to make him scary. This might have figured into my original thoughts on his facial features, for my research images are a bit spooky in comparison, but I'm surprised and delighted that he's turning out rather warm. I believe this is because of my feelings on him emparting "fatherly" vibes on Gilgamesh when he visits. Also, Utnapishtim speaks of hope and reconciliation with one's fate and place in the world, so I wanted his face/mask to be one that comforted the viewer, even if it's a bit rough in places. Utnapishtim's right eye was "damaged", but I've more scarred it shut than done anything gory with it. I don't want it to be distracting to the action. I'm still trying to decide if I want the mask to be symmetrical around the mouth or no - I like the idea of him chipping away like an old monument...
Also, in the air of Libby Appel mask stylings, I've made his expression a bit enigmatic. I'll go further with this in sculpting, but I wish to give him an ambiguous enough face that the actor behind the mask will have some freedom to create who he/she thinks he is for -them-.
I'm excited - are you? More more more on the way.
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln