Newest update: The Scorpion People. Inspiration for these enigmatic lovelies came from the mask stylings of Libby Appel. By studying the style of her neutral masks while racking my brain for a useful way to portray these guards of the Mountains of Mashu interestingly, I sketched these two. One is meant to be female and the other male, but I don't imagine it matters much if the gender of the actors beneath matches or not. They allow Gilgamesh to pass with little resistance ultimately, and their eyes are meant to cause fatal paralysis in mortals - such is why I love what the Appel masks' eyes do. Their emotion is neutral, but the dark eyes draw your focus immediately as well as the sloping features surrounding them. I don't believe I want much color in these masks, but if there -is- some, I'd want it to be from a neutral palette as well.
I look forward to playing around with the actors in devising the movement of the scorpion folk and the voices they'll have! They don't hang about very long, but I wanted them to stand out in their wake.
More to come!
"At high tide, fish eat ants. At low tide, ants eat fish." - Thailand