Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gilgamesh Update: First Draft Complete

Well ladies and gentleman, after planting myself in the summer sun with an extension cord for my laptop, my research, and a mug of Coke classic to nurse, it is finally finished! The first draft of A Man Sees Death in Things: A Masked Piece has finally reached completion. It rounded out at a chubby 36 pages total. I'm hoping to prune it down to a lean low-twenties number with the coming month of June. With its completion, I may now sketch with a bit more freedom and certainty about the structure of the piece, and with the second round of edits, copies will be available for those already involved with the project as well as those hoping to design. (My fingers are crossed on the latter front!) Happy Memorial Day weekend and be safe.

"Love Love Love. It's Easy." - The Beatles


P.S. The link is to inspirational music by Zoe Keating. Enjoy.